Today was a brilliant day. Yesterday I was starting to feel a bit low, because the babies I know due around this time have started coming and there's still no sign of Blue and I was beginning to feel a little bored of playing the waiting game...but my Grandma and my mum wisely said I must ENJOY being bored and embrace this time without baby...because I'm not going to get this time back that's for sure!
But today was just of those days that made me feel really blessed for having a wonderful family and wonderful friends...
1. Starting the day with my home made banana loaf and a glass of milk...delicious!
2. Arriving at my mums to find a beautifully wrapped present from her fabulous friend Christina!
3. Opening the gift to find a really rather gorgeous blanket for Blue - which Christina had made with her own fair hands! It had started as a small blankie for the moses basket and ended up a lot bigger! I LOVE IT! Feeling happy, my beautiful mum and I then headed out for a walk around Tunbridge Wells and a delicious caramel latte in Costa (her FAVOURITE place!) and a good old natter!
4. Arrived at Juliets (fave place to hang... delicious food, great decor and fab atmosphere!) to meet my friends Jo and Sax and got handed ANOTHER present! This time celebrating my due date!
5/6. The present - a totally gorgeous anchor dribble bib! Quite clearly doesn't suit me but will suit Blue totally! Thank you Sax - I'm SO touched and JJ and I love it SO very much!
7. Mother and son...Lukey usually likes to run about and doesn't often sit still but today he was PERFECT and sat on Jo's knee saying all the words he had learnt! SO ADORABLE!
8. My "Happy Due Date" card - I wonder if someone will bake me one of those when Blue arrives? I kinda hope not!
9. Another beautiful bezzie Miss Lucy Saxton!
10. After a delicious lunch I headed to see my friend Hainy and her lovely son Hector for hot chocolate...their cat Nando loves my bump so much...he seems to sense the baby and likes to come and literally cuddle the bump and stare at me!
11. Hector - don't be fooled by that adorable smile!!! This little guy is CRAZ-Y!
12. Another mummy and son...absolutely gorgeous!